EUROSAI Project Group meeting – Focus on Real-time Audits

The second meeting of the EUROSAI Project Group Project Group on Benefits and Methodologies of Real Time Audit took place on 4-5 June 2024. The two-day event was hosted by the State Audit Office of Hungary (SAO) in Budapest, where SAIs from 19 countries were represented and shared their experience and methodologies on the subject.

The Project Group on Benefits and Methodologies of Real Time Audit was established in 2023, in the framework of EUROSAI Strategic Goal 1 (SG1) and is led by the Italian Supreme Audit Institution (Corte dei Conti).

During the recent two-day meeting in Budapest, the members of the Project Group reported on their achievements and developments in the field of real-time audits. In addition to the knowledge-sharing presentations, there was an active exchange of views among the SAIs’ experts.

The first day of the meeting was opened by Dr. László Windisch, President of the State Audit Office of Hungary. In his speech, he highlighted that since his appointment the SAO has placed great emphasis on the renewal of its audits, as part of which it is striving to implement real-time methodologies. Dr. László Windisch expressed his gratitude to the Italian Supreme Audit Institution for setting up and leading the project group, which, he said, provides an opportunity to share valuable experience and showcase good practices and methodologies.

On the meeting Mr. Mauro Orefice, leader of the EUROSAI SG1 RTA Project Group and President of the Chamber for the Performance Audit also delivered a presentation, furthermore representatives from the SAIs of Cyprus, France, Hungary, Italy, Portugal and the UK shared their experience of real-time audits too.

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