A delegation from the European Parliament’s Committee on Budgetary Control visited the State Audit Office of Hungary on 16 May. Members of the delegation were informed about the operations, roles and responsibilities of the supreme audit institution, as well as about the audits carried out and planned which were of interest to the delegation.
On 16 May, dr. László Windisch, President of the State Audit Office of Hungary (SAO), and the Vice-President along with senior officials of the SAO received a delegation from the European Parliament’s Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT). The delegation was led by Monika Hohlmeier, President of the Committee.

At the meeting, the members of the delegation were given detailed information on, among other things, the powers and operation of the SAO, audit on EU funds, audits in progress focusing on the use of EU subsidies, experiences of audits in relation to the final accounts, audits covering EU funds from the Brexit Adjustment Reserve, targeted audits on EU funds under the Rural Development Programme as well as the experiences of integrity audits.

At the meeting, dr László Windisch reported on the institutional renewal process which has begun since his election in last July. The aim remains to develop a professional public financial – economic audit and advisory body, which can contribute, through deeper and more thorough audits, to ensuring that the institutions and organisations audited spend the public money entrusted to them not only in compliance with the regulations but also in an effective and efficient way.