Dr. László Windisch, President of the State Audit Office of Hungary and dr. Monika Karas, Vice‑President of the institution received the delegation of representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea and the Burau of Audit and Inspection of Korea at the Headquarters of the SAO on 25 April 2023. After the introductory meeting, the experts of the supreme audit institutions held a professional consultation focusing on the audits and analyses carried out in strategic areas. During the meeting, the parties equally exchanged their experiences on the pandemic crisis, as well as on the relevant technological and methodological developments.

Introducing the new Ambassador of the Republic of Korea
The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, Hong Kyu-dok, presented his credentials to the President of the Republic of Hungary, dr. Katalin Novák on 28 February 2023, followed by a courtesy visit to the Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament, dr. László Kövér on 20 March. The Ambassador joined the delegation of the Bureau of Audit and Inspection of Korea (BAI of Korea) for an introductory visit to dr. László Windisch, President of the State Audit Office of Hungary (SAO).

At the bilateral meeting, the two sides agreed that, in addition to close economic cooperation, there is scope for the two countries to exchange experiences in many other areas of life, from culture to cooperation between institutions, which they intend to promote in the future at the level of the supreme audit institutions (SAIs), as well.
Professional consultation in the field of strategic audits
The professional consultation organised in the framework of the bilateral meeting was initiated by the BAI of Korea. During the exchange of views, experts from the SAO presented the factors and results that determine the conduct of audits in emergency state likewise in strategic fields. Auditors presented the legal status, role and responsibilities of the institution in the context of the new Act on SAO, the experience gained in the field of evaluating epidemiological measures, also the methodological and technological developments enabling the conduct of emergency audits, and shaping the focus of SAO’s analytical activities in recent years.

The Korean colleagues provided information on their institution’s experience with its strategic audits on mid and long-term finance management, demographic crisis, fine dust management and the promotion of data-based administration. The audit experts stressed the need for long-term thinking and systemic action to address areas with significant socio-economic impacts, which are typically felt in the short term.
Relations between the two countries and the two SAIs are traditionally good
Diplomatic and trade relations between Hungary and the Republic of Korea have historical roots. As the Republic of Korea is one of the largest investors in our country outside the EU, relations between the two countries regarded as of strategic importance by the National Export Strategy. The good relations between the two countries are also reflected in the high-level meetings and cultural events that have taken place. For example, Hungary was the first European country to support the right to host the Busan World Expo 2030 in South Korea. Similar to the beneficial relations between the two countries, relations between the two SAIs can also be characterised as good. There is an active cooperation between the SAIs of Hungary and Korea, mostly aimed at exchanging knowledge and experience. In the past, the two institutions shared their knowledge in the field of auditing specific areas (e.g. health, national security services) and on changes affecting the operations of the SAIs. One of the most active areas of cooperation between the two institutions is the INTOSAI IT Audit Working Group.